Health Coaching Internship
Purpose and Value: Gain real world health coaching experience under the supervision of a certified coach. Sharpen your communication and counseling skills. Perfect for those looking to become certified Health Coach or those interested in a career in healthcare.
Coursework: HHP:4365 Internship in Health Coaching (3 s.h.)
Contact Person: Lauren Steinke (
Health Testing Internship
Purpose and Value: Gain real world experience administering and interpreting preventive and performance health tests for interested members of the community. Tests include resting metabolic rate, body composition, and cardiorespiratory fitness. Sharpen your communication and interpersonal skills. Perfect for students with interests in performance testing, cardiac rehab, and/or allied health career goals.
Coursework: HHP:4930:0006 Health & Human Physiology Internship (3 s.h. = 9 hrs/week)
Contact: Dr. Lucas Carr (

Undergrad Research Assistant
Purpose and Value: Gain real world experience evaluating a clinical research trial. Sharpen your data collection, data management, communication, and team work skills. Perfect for pre-professional students interested in healthcare.
Coursework: HHP:3994 Undergraduate Research
Contact Person: Dr. Lucas Carr (

Community Wellness Practicum: Culinary Medicine
Coursework: HHP:3820 Community Wellness Guided Practicum (Spring semester)
Purpose and Value: This course is designed to expose students and future health professionals to the fundamentals of culinary medicine in order to both improve personal health and more effectively counsel clients, patients, and community groups on diet and nutrition. The emphasis of this course is on using fundamental culinary skills for the basic preparation of healthy and delicious whole foods.
Contact Person: Dr. Kathy Mellen (

Community Wellness Practicum: Health Communication
Coursework: HHP:3820 Community Wellness Guided Practicum: Health Communication (Fall semester)
Purpose and Value: This course is designed to provide students opportunities to create tailored, evidence-based health education materials using a variety of channels including videos, infographics, social media, email, flyers, posters, etc..
Contact Person: Professor Lauren Steinke (