Stretching is the act of extending targeted muscles to improve flexibility and range of motion. The benefits of stretching are extensive, but are encompassed in the ideas of decreasing an individual’s risk of injury, enhancing performance in physical activities, and improving joint range of motion. Stretching should be practiced 2-3 times a week. 

Static stretches are those in which you sit, stand, or lie down and hold the position. The muscle is held at a point of mild tension. These stretches involve no movement and target individual muscle flexibility.

Dynamic stretches feature controlled, active movements to prepare muscles for physical activity. These stretches involve a higher speed and intensity of muscle activity.

Frequency ≥ 2-3 days/week of stretching
Intensity To the point of slight discomfort or a feeling of tightness in the muscle

10-30 seconds for adults ages 18-64

30-60 seconds for adults ages 65+

Pattern 2-4 repetitions of each stretch
Increased flexibility & ROM

Increase flexibility & range of motion

Mental Health

Positively impacts mental health

Health Benefit

Decrease risk for injury

Improved physical activity

Improve physical performance