Butterfly Stretch
Starting position: Sitting up with your torso perpendicular to the floor, shoulders and neck relaxed, knees hugging your chest, and head facing forward.
- Let your legs fall to respective sides on floor.
- Bring soles of feet together, holding your feet at the ankle for support
- Move feet closer to your body for a deeper stretch.
- Hold for 30 seconds.

Hamstring Stretch
Starting position: Sitting up with your torso perpendicular to the floor and shoulders and neck relaxed.
- Sticking right leg straight out,
- Bend your left leg at the knee, positioning the sole of your foot against your right inner thigh.
- Extending your arms and reach for your toes while lowering your chest and keeping your head facing forward.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Rest.
- Repeat on left leg for 30 seconds.

Toe Touches
Starting position: Sitting up with your torso perpendicular to the floor.
- Reach forward, attempting to touch your toes,
- Move your chest towards your legs, keeping your head facing forward,
- Point toes for added stretch.
- Hold for 30 seconds.

Supine Leg Stretch
Starting Position: Lying down with back parallel to floor, shoulders and neck relaxed, and head resting on the floor.
- Pull right leg towards body
- Keeping knee bent, interlock fingers on knee to hug your leg
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Rest.
- Repeat on left side.

Ankle Stretches
Starting Position: Sitting up with neck and shoulder relaxed and legs parallel to the floor.
- Rotate ankle in clockwise direction 10x,
- Rotate ankle in counterclockwise direction 10x,
- Rest.
- Repeat with opposite ankle.