Head Circles
Starting position: Back straight with shoulders back.
- Tuck your chin into your chest,
- Slowly rotate your head 10x in clockwise direction.
- Repeat in opposite direction.

Trapezius Stretch
Starting position: Back straight, with shoulders back.
- Tilt your head to the right.
- Pull your head closer to your right shoulder with your left hand,
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Repeat in opposite direction.

Arm Pulls
Starting position: Sitting up on the floor with back upright and legs parallel to the floor.
- Reach your right arm across your body.
- Push your right elbow closer to your chest with your left forearm.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Rest.
- Repeat with left arm.

Arm Scissors
Starting position: Sitting up on the floor with back upright and legs parallel to the floor.
- Reach arms out in front of body, keeping them parallel to the floor,
- Cross arms in opposite directions of each other, alternating arms on top & bottom crossovers.
- Complete 20 crossovers.

Russian Twists
Starting position: Lying back on the floor with legs together and arms out to the sides, forming a “T” shape.
- Bend at your hips, while lifting legs toward ceiling and keeping them together,
- Bend knees at 90° angle,
- Slowly rotate legs towards floor on right side.
- Hold for 30 seconds, maintaining position.
- Rest.
- Repeat with left side for 30 seconds.

Cobra Stretch
Starting position: Lying on stomach with legs together, tops of feet pressed to the floor, and head facing straight ahead.
- Position arms at sides similarly to the position of arms during a push-up.
- With shoulders back, push your torso off the floor.
- Keep elbows close to your body, while lower body remains on the floor.
- Hold for 30 seconds.